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To jointly build Asia

To jointly build Asia

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2024-07-02 01:24:43
  By He Yin (Peoples Daily)09:42, November 17, 2023  This year marks the 30th anniversary of the fir ...

  By He Yin (Peoples Daily) 09:42, November 17, 2023

  This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Meeting. Chinese President Xi Jinping has been invited to attend the 30th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, which fully showcases the great importance China attaches to Asia-Pacific economic cooperation.

  China will continue to contribute wisdom and strength to deepen Asia-Pacific cooperation and promote the building of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.

  Journalists and staff members work at the international media center of APEC 2023 in San Francisco, the United States, on Nov. 12, 2023. (Peoples Daily/Chen Yiming/)

  The Asia-Pacific region accounts for one-third of the worlds population, over 60 percent of the worlds economic output, and nearly half of global trade. It is the most dynamic economic area of the world.

  As an important economic cooperation platform in the Asia-Pacific region, APEC has made continuous progress in promoting regional trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and played a positive role in driving global and regional economic growth.

  Currently, the Asia-Pacific region enjoys overall stability, and regional cooperation continues to make progress. Peaceful development and win-win cooperation remain the mainstream.

  At the same time, the world enters a new period of turbulence and transformation, with geopolitical tensions and an evolving economic landscape impacting the development environment and cooperation framework in the Asia-Pacific region.

  All parties expect the Asia-Pacific region to follow the path of peaceful, open, cooperative, win-win and inclusive development, respond to the challenges of the times, promote regional economic integration, explore new development prospects, and lead global economic growth.

  China has been actively advocating for the building of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future and firmly led the direction in promoting cooperation in the region.

  Since 2013, Xi has attended or chaired APEC Economic Leaders Meetings and delivered important speeches.

  China has promoted Asia-Pacific cooperation through its propositions, promoted the development of the region with its contributions, built consensus in the region with its wisdom, and promoted the joint construction of an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future featuring openness and inclusiveness, innovation-driven growth, greater connectivity, and mutually beneficial cooperation.

  At the 30th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, Xi will deliver an important speech to fully elaborate on Chinas major propositions on deepening Asia-Pacific cooperation and driving regional and global growth.

  China will steadfastly work with all parties to promote the prosperity and development of the Asia-Pacific region and create a better future for the region.

  China, as a key player in the Asia-Pacific region, holds immense potential for economic growth and plays a significant role in driving regional economic development.

  The Asian Development Banks Asia Economic Integration Report 2023 indicated that China contributed 64.2 percent to the regions total economic growth, 37.6 percent of the growth in trade in goods, and 44.6 percent of the growth in trade in services.

  The country is dedicated to deepening the Asia-Pacific partnership featuring mutual trust, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation. It aims to build an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future that is peaceful, stable, clean and beautiful, a region where all are ready to help each other and that brings prosperity for all.

  The commitment will create new opportunities and inject fresh impetus into the development and prosperity of both the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.

  Chinas development has benefited from the Asia-Pacific region, and China reciprocates by benefiting the region through its own progress.

  China stays committed to opening up in a wider scope and broader areas and at a deeper level. It sticks to Chinese modernization and builds new systems for higher-level open economy. China will continue to share its development opportunities with the world, especially with the Asia-Pacific region.

  It is widely recognized that a prosperous and strong China not only serves the fundamental interests of the Chinese people but also brings more benefits to the Asia-Pacific and the world.

  The peace, stability, and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region belong to all the people in the region, and the future of the Asia-Pacific relies on the joint efforts of the people.

  All parties should stay true to their original aspirations, adopt a strategic and long-term perspective on regional cooperation, and uphold APECs role as the main channel in regional cooperation and keep Asia-Pacific cooperation in the right direction, so as to work together to build an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.

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